“East meets West” Obstetrics and Gynaecology Ultrasound Webinar Series 2022
– Az ideális 20. heti magzati ultrahang vizsgálat: Screening Planes, Guidelines and How To Do

Az ideális 20. heti magzati ultrahang vizsgálat:
Screening Planes, Guidelines and How To Do

Élő webinárium: június 30. (csütörtök)
13:00-15:00 (Budapest)


Prof. Christoph Lees - Imperial College London, UK

Prof. Christoph Lees

Professor of Obstetrics, Imperial College London
Head of Fetal Medicine, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, UK


Élő webinárium

Dr. Jonathan Lai - Consultant in Fetal Medicine - King’s College Hospital London, UK

The Fetal Anomaly Screening Program: Standard Views

Dr. Jonathan Lai
Consultant in Fetal Medicine
King’s College Hospital London, UK

Prof. Boris Tutschek - Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf, GER & Fetal medicine specialist, Praenatal-Zurich.ch, Zürich, Switzerland

Imaging the Fetal Face and Extremities

Prof. Boris Tutschek
Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf, GER &
Fetal medicine specialist, Praenatal-Zurich.ch, Zürich, Switzerland

Dr. Laura Vazquez-Garcia - Fetal & Paediatric Cardiologist - Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, UK

Getting the Standard Views of the Heart

Dr. Laura Vazquez-Garcia
Fetal & Paediatric Cardiologist
Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, UK

Prof. Andrea Dall’Asta - Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology - University of Parma, Italy

Fetal Neuro: What Should I See at 20 weeks?

Prof. Andrea Dall’Asta
Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology
University of Parma, Italy

Elizabeth Daly Jones - Senior sonographer - Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, UK

Imaging the Placenta and Umbilical Cord

Elizabeth Daly Jones
Senior sonographer
Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, UK

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